Cool Flowers not on your mind? They should be!

Cool Flowers not on your mind? They should be!

I grow outdoors in a giant garden with no greenhouses. I fall and very early spring plant with abundant and beautiful results— 😬. No matter your winter hardiness zone nor when your first and last frost date is: we all have to make space for them and prepare in late summer and fall. Pull out your Cool Flowers book and listen to the Field & Garden podcasts on cool-season flowers: Episodes: 181, 173, 171, 168, 164, 160, and others!! Gather your seeds and supplies, are you starting sweet William that needs vernalization? Cut flower kale for fall cuts? Hop to it folks! Learn more from Lisa 12noon ET every Friday inside the TGW phone app. #coolflowers #flowershow #onlineshopping #onlinestores #gardenshop #gardenshopping #gardenshow #flowerfarmer #flowerfarm #gardenerslife #gardenersofinstagram #gardener #gardenersworkshopfarm Have other questions not covered in this video? Connect with us during one of our live events: Thanks for watching! Lisa Ziegler \\ OUR VIRTUAL LEARNING CENTER: Flower Farming On-Demand Workshops: Florist & Flower Farming 6-Wk Online Schools: \\ OUR ONLINE GARDEN SUPPLY STORE Shop Here: \\ FOLLOW US: Instagram:   / gardenersworkshopfarm   Facebook:   / thegardenersworkshop   \\ LISTEN TO US: Podcast: Clubhouse: \\ ABOUT US: We are a virtual learning center & online garden supply shop that specializes in gardening & FLOWER FARMING! Owned & Operated by Lisa Mason Ziegler - She is a leader in the cut-flower growing industry, author, accomplished speaker, virtual course instructor, & the owner of The Gardener’s Workshop. Click To Learn More: #flowerfarming #flowerfarm #flowertips