My Must-Have Bedtime Book for Toddlers | Overcome Separation Anxiety
Today I’m going to share my MUST-HAVE bedtime book for toddlers with you. It’s my favorite book to use to help young children overcome separation anxiety. ✨ Get your very own copy of my favorite bedtime book for toddlers: The Invisible String by Patrice Karst: https://amzn.to/3Vlu7ls I’m going to show you my favorite book as well as an easy, sweet project to do with your children to help relieve some of that separation anxiety. The concept of this book is that we are NEVER truly alone - that we are always connected to our loved one with an invisible string of love. Have you ever read this book? What’s your MUST-HAVE bedtime book to read to your kids? _______________________ Follow me on IG @awesomelittlesleepers _______________________ FREE RESOURCES Free Toddler Sleep Masterclass: http://AwesomeLittleSleepers.com/yt_m... The ONE thing you can start tonight to improve your toddler's sleep: http://AwesomeLittleSleepers.com/yt_o... Blog posts: http://AwesomeLittleSleepers.com/yt_blog TODDLER SLEEP COURSE Popular Toddler Sleep Course: http://AwesomeLittleSleepers.com/yt_s... GET SLEEP HELP Learn more about working together: http://AwesomeLittleSleepers.com/yt_als FAVORITE TODDLER SLEEP PRODUCTS My Favorite Toddler Clocks: https://amzn.to/3XokKDx My Favorite Sound Machines: https://amzn.to/3XsA427 My Favorite Child Proofing Tools: https://amzn.to/3Ose1nY My Favorite Bedtime Books About Sleep, Fears & Separation: https://amzn.to/3XqLxPK Note: This video and description contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission when you click on a link at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! 0:00 Introduction 0:43 Separation anxiety in toddlers 1:15 My favorite book for Separation Anxiety in toddlers 1:30 The Invisible String by Patrice Karst 3:57 Pair this book with a super simple craft activity 4:29 Need Help? Try my FREE Toddler Sleep Masterclass