15 Minute Law of Attraction Meditation to Manifest Your Dreams, Female Voice, Black Screen
Manifest your dreams with this 15-minute Law of Attraction meditation. This quick, yet powerful session helps you focus on your desires, visualize your goals, and attract abundance into your life. Harness the energy of manifestation and unlock your potential with positive affirmations and guided breathing exercises. Voiced by Healer, Jess Shepherd, this calming meditation is an excellent way to start the day or to re-centre anytime in the day. #soundstorelaxto #soundstosleepto #relaxation #meditationmusic Check out SOUNDS TO RELAX TO for more sounds, soundscapes, and soundtracks to chill, calm and relax you. 👍 👍👍 LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE 👍👍👍 #soundstorelaxto #soundsformediataion #meditationmusic #sleepmeditaterelax