Water fasted to my ULTIMATE Weight Loss goal | 4 days of Water Fasting

Water fasted to my ULTIMATE Weight Loss goal | 4 days of Water Fasting

Here is a daily update of my 6 day extended water fast/July rolling fast challenge. It's time. Let's GOOOOOOOO! Fasting,Benefits of fasting,Weight loss journey,Weight loss,Water fast,Water fasting benefits,How to water fast,What is water fasting,Is water fasting healthy,before and after,50 pound weight loss,female weight loss,adf,alternate day fasting,fasting methods,Intermittent fasting,prep for water fast,30 pounds gone,HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT,LOSE WEIGHT FAST,7 day water fast,30 pound weight loss,rolling fast,48 hr fast,72 hr fast,3 day fast