3 Day Water Fast--UPDATED 2025--Clean the Brain and Reset your Energy.
3 Day Water Fast--Updated 2025--Clean the Brain and Reset your Energy. Join my FREE holistic program 👉 https://www.skool.com/holistic-health... Supplement Store 👉https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/drj... 3 DAY WATER FASTING-Clean the brain and reset your energy. (No food. Water and electrolytes only during fast) Don’t fast during your menstrual cycle. Don’t fast if you’re hypoglycemic Don’t fast if you are diabetic on insulin or multiple medications. Don’t fast if you have gastritis Consult your physician. Constant eating causes the body to use primary glucose as fuel. 4 hormones what assist in raising glucose and 1 decrease glucose(insulin) 4 hormones that raise glucose-Glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline, and human growth hormone Goal is for your body to stabilize blood sugar even when you’re fasting. Metabolic flexibility-glucose and ketones 8-12 hours Decrease glycogen and blood glucose Increase in glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline and HGH Increase ketones from utilization of fats. Exercise early in the fast. Increased Hunger 18 hours-24 hours **Depletion of glycogen your body will need to use fat. **Glucogenogenesis(lactate, amino acids, and glycerol) **Impacting autoimmune disease. **Autophagy-self eating, clean up cellular debris and pathogens. **Decrease in brain inflammation. Brain is a hybrid engine using glucose and ketones. **Shift in hormones.Increase in BDNF and HGH **Increase microbiome diversity, increase short chain fatty acids, altered bile metabolism **Increase Ketones. (0.5-1.5) Day 2 **Increase HGH and BDNF Higher BDNF levels are associated with improved memory, learning, and overall cognitive function. **Autophagy(Tau, Lewy Body, Alpha-Synuclein, amyloid, primed glial cells-associated with PTSD, concussion, Alzhiemer’s, dementia) and improvement in Mitophagy– removal of damaged mitochondria. **Decrease in Insulin. Insulin resistance will start to reset. ** Reduction in fatty liver disease **Represses mTOR(mammalian target of rapamycin), a key regulator of cell growth, which leads to the inhibition of protein aggregation and stimulation of autophagy. **Stimulates AMPK regulation of energy homeostasis through controlling uptake of glucose and fatty acids by the cell. Certain supplements can increase AMPK like berberine, omega-3 fatty acids, and resveratrol. **Fasting enhances mitochondrial biogenesis, which is the process by which new mitochondria are formed in the cells. **Reduction of fatty liver **90-95% of energy comes from Ketones. **Hunger sensation usually decreases. **Ketones 1.5-3.0 Day 3 **Continued autophagy and mitophagy **Reversal of chronic disease **Boost in immune function **Increase in stem cells. ** reduction in pathogenic bacteria by creating a more challenging environment **Strengthening the gut barrier **Modulation of immune function(enteric nervous system)- Decrease ROS, decrease inflammation, improving glutathione stores **Improvement in cognitive function. Ketones 3.0-5.0 Other benefits: may help in the clearance of parasites when combined with complementary therapy Purpose: metabolic flexibility, stabilize blood sugar Breaking a fast: MCT oil, bone/veg broth, fermented foods, cook vegetables, animal protein 1st day small portions only Prepping going into a prolonged fast. Intermittent fasting 16/8, OMAD, one day fast, 2 day fast etc Is fasting safe for women: Yes, ideally around days 7-14 days of menstrual cycle. Start slow: IF, one day fasting, 2 day fasting Are we getting in ketosis Fasting days 7-14 safe Progesterone will start to rise around day 14. Impacts menstruation. Adrenal health 40-menopause Post menopause-safe to fast. Q&A How often: every quarter, once a month if you're trying to improve metabolic health Water: Spring Water, Reverse Osmosis/Distilled How much water: ½ your body weight in ounces Mineral: Sea Salt, Redmond Salt, Pink Salt Coffee/Tea allowed. Migraines: Hypoglycemia, Electrolytes, Carb withdrawal Multi-vitamins: yes Menstruating women: breast feeding, iron anemia Insulin dependent diabetic Gastritis-gut healing first. Fast metabolism-lean people Muscle loss- minimal. Will regain very quickly. Do some mild calisthenics Office Contact 978 688-6999 https://www.drjinsung.com This video is for general information and educational purposes only and does NOT constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health services, including giving of a medical advice. NO doctor-patient relationship is formed. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.