Attack on Titan Connecting The First and The Final ED

Attack on Titan Connecting The First and The Final ED

Whose Memories Are Those? Connecting the very first ED to the final ED by the paths... of editing :)) Shingeki no Kyojin HYPE!~ Original ED link:    • TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season Part 2ノン...   Akuma no Ko - Ai Higuchi Vo. & Words & Music:Ai Higuchi Arrangement:Shu Kanematsu — Akuma no Ko(a child of evil) Lyrics[EN] An iron bullet is proof of justice. Whenever I shot I became closer to the hero. If you close your eyes and touch it, The evil who has the same body and the same temperature. Am I not good enough and is he better for you? There was just a wall. Don’t cry about the destiny we were born with. Cause we are all free. If we have wings like birds, We could go anywhere. If we don’t have a place to return to, We might not be able to go anywhere. I don’t want to just live. This world is cruel but I still love you. Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you. Even if this is a mistake, I don’t doubt it. What is right is believing in myself strongly. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Damn me and my procrastination; forgive me... oTL Note: To those with the question: "Why are the Japanese subtitles on this video actually English" Well... I made an oopsie, since I'm new to uploading with subtitles... I initially set the "Video language" as Japanese cause you know the video is in Japanese BUT it was talking about the language OF the captions which is English! (@.@) now after uploading it, even if I change it which I did, it still won't update... I'm sorry/gomenasai~ :/ I'm just someone anonymous using incognito mode that likes Manga/Anime/VTubers and makes Memes/Art/Animations for fun. #AMV #AoT #SnK #ED