Attack on Titan Connecting The First and The Final ED
Whose Memories Are Those? Connecting the very first ED to the final ED by the paths... of editing :)) Shingeki no Kyojin HYPE!~ Original ED link: • TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season Part 2ノン... Akuma no Ko - Ai Higuchi Vo. & Words & Music:Ai Higuchi Arrangement:Shu Kanematsu — Akuma no Ko(a child of evil) Lyrics[EN] An iron bullet is proof of justice. Whenever I shot I became closer to the hero. If you close your eyes and touch it, The evil who has the same body and the same temperature. Am I not good enough and is he better for you? There was just a wall. Don’t cry about the destiny we were born with. Cause we are all free. If we have wings like birds, We could go anywhere. If we don’t have a place to return to, We might not be able to go anywhere. I don’t want to just live. This world is cruel but I still love you. Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you. Even if this is a mistake, I don’t doubt it. What is right is believing in myself strongly. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Damn me and my procrastination; forgive me... oTL Note: To those with the question: "Why are the Japanese subtitles on this video actually English" Well... I made an oopsie, since I'm new to uploading with subtitles... I initially set the "Video language" as Japanese cause you know the video is in Japanese BUT it was talking about the language OF the captions which is English! (@.@) now after uploading it, even if I change it which I did, it still won't update... I'm sorry/gomenasai~ :/ I'm just someone anonymous using incognito mode that likes Manga/Anime/VTubers and makes Memes/Art/Animations for fun. #AMV #AoT #SnK #ED