Create and animate a snowfall in After Effects 2024
This is After Effects (beta) 24.5.0 How to create and animate snowfall in After Effects 2024 1- create a new composition 2- import the footage 3- drag the footage in the timeline 4- add a solid layer: snow_fg (foreground) 5- set the mode to screen 6- add an effect : Simulation - CC Snowfall 7- set the parameters 8- add another solid layer: snow_bg (background) 9- put the snow_bg layer below the snow_fg layer 10- set the mode to screen 11- set the parameters Thank you for watching The footage is downloaded from : https://pixabay.com/videos/winter-win... https://pixabay.com/users/nickype-103... The thumbnail picture is downloaded from : https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-snow...