How To Share Someone’s Twitter Video Without Retweeting   डाउनलोड किए बिना ट्विटर पर वीडियो डालें

How To Share Someone’s Twitter Video Without Retweeting डाउनलोड किए बिना ट्विटर पर वीडियो डालें

#TwitterTips : Here is how to Tweet someone’s video from another Tweet: Step 1 — Scroll over and view the Tweet/video that you want to embed and post. Step 2 — Tap and hold down on the “play button” for the Tweet’s video Step 3 — Select the “Tweet Video” icon at the bottom of your screen. Once you compose your message and post the Tweet, you’ll successfully post a video on Twitter (see below) without having to retweet it from someone. #WithoutRetweetShareVideo #TweetVideo #Howtousetwitter #tweet #twitter