CAN WE SAVE THE CITY?! | Resident Evil 3 Let's Play

CAN WE SAVE THE CITY?! | Resident Evil 3 Let's Play

Turn your videos into live streams with HAPPY SATURDAY! Can Jill save Raccoon City or will she parish against the hands of Nemesis! Come hang out and let's see! 🔴 LIVE STREAM SCHEDULE 🔴 Join me for exhilarating adventures every Tuesday through Sunday on both YouTube, Twitch & now Facebook! Sometimes, catch me twice on Saturdays and Sundays. Stay updated with schedule changes and stream times by following me on my social media platforms. 🐻 HOMIE BEAR SQUAD LINKS 🐻 📺 TheHomieRJay on YouTube:    / @thehomierjay   🎮 Solid_Igslaya on Twitch: 📱 Follow me on Twitch: 📹 Subscribe to my YouTube channel:    / torgiebear58   Don't forget about KICK here! - 🎮 HUMBLE BUNDLE | FALLOUT 76 - $39.99 Explore the wasteland, all while supporting Alzheimer's! Link: 🎵 Sound Effects sourced from 🎵