When You Try to Beat Your Time Record | Great Sage Difficulty | Black Myth Wukong

When You Try to Beat Your Time Record | Great Sage Difficulty | Black Myth Wukong

Relic Holder | Great Sage | Yin Tiger Level 342 Just for Fun FIRST BUILD Armor set Opulence set Weapon: Fanged Cyan Staff (New Weapon) Can be obtain in gauntlet of legends Spell for sustain : Focus & Ring of Fire for Regeneration Soak :Damage reduction and anything Gourd: Qing tian which replenish Overtime Brew Long Balm - Which gives 30 percent Extra Damage plus four slots two laurel Buds - damage reduction , Bee mountain stone - A chance gourd will not be sip Iron Pellet - Tenacity when drinking gourd Curious :Jade moon rabbit, - Damage bonus Gold sun crow , - Damage Reduction Boshan Center, - When Gourd is Empty it gives 20 perccent Damage reduction Gold Spike Plate - Defense Amber Prayer Beads - For focus SECOND BUILD Vessel: Wind Vessel for damage reduction and keep the boss missing for 3 secs Spirit - Tiger Acolyte for Critical Damage Armor set Yaksha set (4) For Damage Bonus Weapon: Qing Mallet ( Obtain when you beat the Boss) Spells : Spell Binder Gourd: Stained Jade Gourd ( Fast Drinking Speed) Brew -Sour Wine - Which increases your combo damage and Heavy attacks -Robust antler ( When mana depleted increases Attack for short duration ( Obtain in gaunlet of legends) Tiger Relic ( Critical Hit Chance) , - Bee mountain stone - A chance gourd will not be sip Curious : Beast Buddha (2) - for Critical Damage Gold Button (1) - Additional Attack when Full Hp Amber Prayer Beads - Focus Buildup Stone Tiger Tally - stack critical hit chance when See through ( Obtain in Gauntlet Legends) Musics : Black Bear : Shaolin soccer theme Chapters: 00:00 Expectation Great Sage Yin (1) 1:00 Reality Great Sage Yi (2) when you fight you can light Attack or just mobile spin for fun your goal is to earn focus point the end haha Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past. #blackmythwukonggameplay #wukong #happy