Christmas Eve 7:00PM Family Service - December 24th, 2023

Christmas Eve 7:00PM Family Service - December 24th, 2023

Experience the beauty and solemnity of Christmas at our Traditional Candlelight Worship Service at 7:00PM. Held in the Sanctuary, these services feature our Chancel Choir performing classic carols in a serene candlelit setting. The harmonious blend of choir voices and the soft glow of candles create a deeply moving and reflective atmosphere, ideal for those seeking a traditional Christmas Eve experience. Come hear the timeless story of a baby, born in a manger, who will become the Savior to all. We want to connect with you! Email Pastor Chad at [email protected] to get plugged in or you can find our website at We hope to see lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus, and we strive to be a place where you experience and are able to express that transforming love of Christ. It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at La Jolla Pres holds a CCLI License to live stream and archive all musical material.