Holy Harvest Worship | October-29-2023 | 9:00AM | Murray G. Martin Senior Pastor

Holy Harvest Worship | October-29-2023 | 9:00AM | Murray G. Martin Senior Pastor

Thanks for tuning into Holman Street Baptist Church LIVE! Hope Is Here! We pray you are blessed by this service. Reverend Murray G. Martin, Senior Pastor 5th Sunday Table of Blessings/Holy Harvest Worship Oct-29-23 Grace in Motion Music by: Maurette Brown Clark “It Ain’t Over” If you are in need of salvation or prayer, visit: https://www.holmanstreet.org/PRAYER If you are looking to join our church, visit: https://www.holmanstreet.org To sow a financial seed or to donate in this ministry, visit: https://www.holmanstreet.org/give Stay connected with us! Website: https://www.holmanstreet.org Facebook:   / holmanstreet   Twitter:   / holmanstreet   Instagram:   / holmanstreet   YouTube:    / holmanstreetbaptistchurch