The 2 names of Christ: Jesus and Emanuel. Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:30 to 33). Sermon Edward Starrenburg

The 2 names of Christ: Jesus and Emanuel. Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:30 to 33). Sermon Edward Starrenburg

In deze preek zullen we het hebben over twee belangrijke namen die Jezus Christus heeft en hun belang. Jezus Christus heeft een speciale betekenis en ook omdat hij door een engel werd geplaatst terwijl Immanuël de betekenis heeft van de Messiaanse profetieën die in Jesaja te vinden zijn. We are going to discuss the names of Christ: Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:30 to 33) and Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14). We all know who Jesus Christ is, the one who was born on Christmas shook the world as a special and supernatural being. In Hebrew Jesus is Joshua. We know who Joshua was, he was the leader who after the death of Moses, leads the Israelite people into the Promised Land Israel. And so Jesus freed us from the slavery of sin so that we could have a new destiny, a new future, Heaven. We know that sin destroys everything, it destroys people's relationships, marriages and our relationship with God. What is the difference between Jesus and Emanuel? Immanuel means: God with us. In Isaiah 7:14 The prophet announces: "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanu-el." When Jesus was born, this prophecy was fulfilled. The Son of God became man and dwelt among us, so God with us. Emmanuel means three things: 1. God is Emmanuel because He is God, being the second person of the Trinity. 2. Jesus is fully God. 3. Jesus is Emmanuel because He became man, sharing a human nature. Meaning: Jesus is Emmanuel brings us comfort, hope and confidence. We are no longer alone, but God is with us in all circumstances of our lives. Christmas, the birth of Jeus, is the milestone in the history of THE MAN WHO would change everything, Who died for our sin on the cross. Humanity may reject and abandon God, but the door remains still open for humanity, by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Humanity causes chaos on earth, violence, robberies, murders, famines, destruction of nature and war. Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:30 to 33 It is the angel who tells to give the name Jesus.