15 ways to lose weight while sleeping - Health FitLink
Today, we’ll learn how you can lose weight while you sleep. We all know regular exercise is great for weight loss and health, do we work out every day? Probably not. Do we sleep every day? Yes! Sleep can help you lose weight, so why not take advantage of it? Just getting 8 hours of sleep can burn about 300 calories on its own! Watch the video to learn more. ✅ Sources: Sleep Deprivation and Its Impact on Weight Loss https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35458... 👉 Instagram: / healthfitlink 👉 Facebook: / profile.php #healthfitlink #weightlosesleep #howtoweightlossfast 0:00 - Introduction 1:28 - Try Intermittent Fasting 2:05 - Keep Your Room Cool 2:41 - Do Evening Strength Training 3:20 - Take Cold Showers 3:41 - Avoid Eating Before Bed 4:09 - Skip Alcohol Before Bed 4:32 - Banish Electronics from the Bedroom 5:00 - Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule 5:27 - Sleep in a Dark Room 5:44 - Manage Stress 6:03 - Be an Early Riser 6:23 - Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment 6:46 - Practice Relaxation Before Bed 7:11 - Limit Caffeine Intake 7:27 - Stay Hydrated—But Time it Right