How The Word Of Faith Movement SHIPWRECKS YOUR FAITH (Documentary)
Today we're taking a deep dive into the Word Of Faith, examining why this whole movement is not what it's cracked up to be. Instead of being built on the firm foundation of Scripture, the Word Of Faith Movement is built on a foundation of sand. When the winds come and the waters rise, it simply cannot stand. 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:46 - Kenneth Hagin's Sister 00:14:49 - Kenneth Hagin's Wife 00:29:51 - Buddy Harrison 00:41:13 - Billy Joe Daugherty 00:57:10 - Jerry Savelle 01:03:59 - Fred Price, Charles Capps, Norval Hayes, and Kenneth Copeland 01:14:52 - Jamie Buckingham and Smith Wigglesworth 01:18:41 - Gloria Copeland 01:27:32 - Bill WInston 01:30:16 - Kenneth Copeland 01:36:08 - Bethel Church / Beni Johnson 01:42:57 - Conclusion Thanks for hanging out with me today! If you have been blessed by this content and would like to help support the things we do here, you may do so by visiting: https://www.sheepamongwolves.org/support For everything SAW-related, check out our official website: www.sheepamongwolves.org Questions, comments, concerns, snarks, or conundrums? E-mail me: [email protected] You are now free to roam about the countryside! #christianity #apologetics #discipleship