Can we keep betta fish with Shrimps 🤔 #betta #fighterfish #shrimp #Aquarium #shorts #trending
Can we keep shrimps with betta fish 🤔 # Betta #fighterfish #Shrimp #bettafish #fishtank #Shorts #trending We buy shrimp 🦐 from Pari Aquarium Shop, Kurla fish 🐠 Market, Mumbai. We buy Blue shrimp, Red shrimp, Red rilli shrimp & we are going to add this shrimp to planted Aquarium. But we have betta fish in Planted aquarium. We can't keep shrimp betta fish. Why 🤔 ? See reason in Video. This Video is made for Education Purpose, Do not keep betta with Shrimp 🦐 #Bettafishvsshrimp #Bettavsshrimp #shrimpbetta #bettashrimp #shrimp #redshrimp #Shrimptank #shrimpfry #shrimptanks #aquariumshrimp #shrimpguppy #guppyshrimp #bettashrimp #bettavsshrimp #blueshrimp #Guppyvsshrimp #blackshrimp #redrillshrimp #shrimp #shrimpprice #shrimpindia #wildshrimp #shrimptanks #shrimp #shrimpsaddle #shrimpberried #fishtankshrimp #shrimpinplantedtank #fishtank #yellowshrimp #redshrimp #redcherryshrimp #bambooshrimp #buyingshrimp #buyshrimp #🦐 Fighter fish #betta #bettafish #bettacommunity #bettalover #aquarium #bettatank #fighterfish #fighterfishvsguppy #bettaworld #bettaindonesia #bettakoi #bettausa #redbettafish #figherbettafish #fullmoon #fullmoonbettafish #fighterbetta #aquarium #fishtank #plantedaquarium #bettathailand #fish #aquascape Betta vs shrimp Betta fish vs shrimp Betta fish and shrimp Betta fish and shrimp tank Shrimp tank Guppy vs shrimp Shrimps vs Betta Betta vs shrimp Shrimp vs Guppy Shrimp tank Shrimp aquarium shrimp breeding breeding shrimp breeding shrimp for profit red cherry shrimp neocaridina shrimp breeding how to breed cherry shrimp cherry shrimp neocaridina shrimp breeding fish blue dream shrimp breeding breeding fish for profit shrimp tank breeding neocaridina shrimp breeding cherry shrimp for profit blue dream shrimp fish breeding cherry shrimp breeding breeding cherry shrimp breeding shrimp in tubs breeding colorful shrimp Can we keep betta fish with shrimp Can we keep shrimp with betta fish Betta with shrimp Shrimp with betta Can betta fish live with guppies Can betta live with Other fishes Can betta & Guppies live together Can betta & Guppies live together Can betta live with guppies Can we keep betta fish with gold fish Can we keep betta fish in bowl Can we keep betta with Guppy Can we keep betta fish with Mollies Can we keep betta fish with shrimp Betta Guppy hybrid Betta guppy tank Betta guppy community tank Betta guppy breeding Betta guppy Betta fish eat mosquito Betta fish eat chicken Betta fish eat earthworms Betta fish eat shrimp Betta fish eat ants Betta fish eating other fishes Betta fish eating Guppy fry Betta fish eating mosquito larvae Betta fish fight Fighter fish eating Guppy Fighter fish eating other fishes Fighter fish eating mosquito Betta kill other fishes Betta kill shrimp Betta fish kill each other Betta Betta fish Fighter Fighter fish Guppy fish Guppies Guppy Shrimp Shrimp betta