What is Nidhi Company | निधि कंपनी क्या होती है? | Explained in Hindi

What is Nidhi Company | निधि कंपनी क्या होती है? | Explained in Hindi

👇 A Nidhi Company is a Type of Company in the Indian Non-Banking Finance Sector, Recognized under Section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Their objective is to borrow and lending money between their members. They are also known as Permanent Fund, Benefit Funds, Mutual Benefit Funds and Mutual Benefit Company. Visit our channel :- https://bit.ly/3eGhazx 🔴 ✔ 👇 👉Subscribe Tax Lama : https://bit.ly/32U3RcB 👉Visit our channel :- https://bit.ly/3eGhazx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy & Stay Connected with us! 👉 Subscribe to Tax Lama 👉 Like us on Facebook #Nidhi_company #nidhi #what_is_nidhi_company #taxlama