Nidhi company related Section-406 remove hogi? Nidhi Company Scope and Future

Nidhi company related Section-406 remove hogi? Nidhi Company Scope and Future

Nidhi company related Section-406 remove hogi? Nidhi Company Scope and Future Nidhi means a company which has been incorporated with the object of developing the habit of thrift and reserve funds amongst its members and also receiving deposits and lending to its members only for their mutual benefit. Nidhi companies existed even prior to the existence of companies Act 2013. Contact us at Jaivindra Singh & Associates A Peer Reviewed PCS Firm Email: [email protected] CorporateGuru Legal LLP Corporate, Taxation & Labour Law Consultants #csjaivindrasingh #nidhicompanyregistration #nidhicompany #nidhirules #ndh4 #nidhiamendmentrules2022 #Section406 #nidhicompany #jaivindrachauhan #csjaivindrasingh #nidhifinanceBusiness #nidhicompanyregistration #futureofNidhiCompany #nidhiCompanyScope #NidhiRegisterKre