प्रेग्नन्सी मे पत्तागोबी खाणे के फायदे#snehalifestyle #pregancycaretip

प्रेग्नन्सी मे पत्तागोबी खाणे के फायदे#snehalifestyle #pregancycaretip

#snehalifestyle #pregancycaretip #babycaretips Hello friends I am sneha...Mother of two beautiful children a 5 year old daughter and 5 month old son...On this channel I make informative vdo on pregnancy and try to share my experience and my knowledge so far I have about it.....So for any advice or practice plz consult your doctor first..my channel does not promot any kind of gender selection test...For more vdo plz press icon for notifications...... #sonographyreport #ultrasoundreport #babyinwomb #boyorgirlinwomb #babyboysympton #babygirlsympton Plz..Like.. Subscribed..Share comment 🙏🙏#snehalifestyle Plz visit following vdos pregnancy and care playlist    • A Pregnancy and baby care tips   Bina ultrasound ke kese pata kare ki garbh me ladka he ya ladki    • बिना अल्ट्रासाउंड कराये कैसे जाने की ...   20 week anomaly ultrasound reading in detail    • Video   36 week ultrasound reading in detail    • 36 week(9 month) baby ultrasound//son...   ,प्रेजेंसी में अल्ट्रासाउंड कब कब,कितनी बार,कितना खर्चा आता है इन detail    • #pregnancytips   pregnancy me कमर दर्द बेटा ओर पेट दर्द बेटी होने का संकेत होता है क्या    • प्रेग्नेंसी में कमर दर्द और पेट दर्द ...   Healthy symptoms of pregnancy    • Video   Kya nabhi ka under ya bahar hona ladka hone ladki ke sanket hota he    • प्रेग्नेंसी में नाभि का बाहर या अंदर ...   my labour pain and normal delivery story    • My labour pain and first  normal deli...   Pregnancy ka 7 wa mahina    • प्रेग्नेंसी का 7वा महीना //क्या करे क...   Symptoms of baby girl and baby boy during pregnancy    • बुजुर्ग द्वारा गर्भवती महिलाओं को देख...   Kya CRL,BPD,HC,FL,TL ke measurements se baby gender pata chalata he    • क्या गर्भ में BPD,CRL, HC,AC, FL, TL ...   Ultrasound report me BPD and HC kya hota he    • Anomaly ultrasound sonography report ...   My delivery and pregnancy story    • My  second( baby boy)pregnancy and c-...   Ultrasound report me grade 1,2,3,4 ka kya mtlb hota he Kya placenta position se gender pata kar sakate he,?    • क्या placenta position ये पता चलता है...   प्रेग्नेंसी में लड़का हो तो क्या संकेत मिलते है    • प्रेग्नेंसी में गर्भ में लड़का हो तो क...   गर्भधारण के पहले कोनसी bloood टेस्ट जरूरी है    • गर्भधारण से पहले किये जाने वाले जरूरी...   👉Double marker test explain in detail    • Double marker test//Dual test in preg...   My FHR gender predictions experience through my ultrasound report    • My baby boy and baby girl FHR experie...   👉NT scan report//how to read NT sonography report    • #pregnancytips   👉 Anomaly scan//2D,4D ultrasound report    • ultrasound scan in pregnancy//level 2...   👉What is BPD,AC,HC,FL,TL parameter in sonography report    • Anomaly sonography( ultrasound) मे BP...   👉New born baby essential    • Newborn baby (boy/girl) essentia amaz...   👉Baby growth during pregnancy week by week your queriesQuestions asked👇👇 Symptoms of pregnancy in hindi,early pregnancy symptoms, symptoms of early pregnancy in hindi, symptoms of early week pregnancy in hindi, pregnancy tips, pregnancy ke lakshan, pregnancy ke lakshan in hindi, childbirth,mother and baby, baby devlopment, infants, placentapregnancy, bleeding in early pregnancy,baby boy hone ke lakshan,baby girl hone ke lakshan,how to read ultrasound,how to read nt scan sonography, cervix,fhr rate of fetus,the of baby, dilated cervix, pregnant kese bane,how to conceived baby boy, pregnancy diet,food to eat in pregnancy, My other online shopping vdo,health tip,be natural health tips,mama and baby,9 month pregnancy, anomaly ultrasound, doubled marker test,dual test, test tube baby, Ghar bhaithe padhe ultrasound report ,bina doctor ke padhe,food to avoid during pregnancy,food to eat during pregnancy,how to take care new born baby,how to get pregnant, ultrasound report topic coverd pregnancy, ultrasound report gender prediction in pregnancy,baby boy or girl during pregnancy,garbh me ladka hone ke sanket,garbh me ladka ya ladki hone ke sanket,ladka hoga ya ladki fhr se kese jane,garbh me ladke wala ultrasound report ese dikhata he, ultrasound report ko dekh kese pata chalega ki garbh me kya he,khud ultrasound report se jane garbh me ladka he ya ladki,ramzi theory to predict baby boy in women,ramji theory for gander prediction,ramji theory wrong or true,baby boy or girl symptoms during pregnancy ..Plz subscribe my channel for such Disclaimer-all the information ovided on this channel and my vdos are for general purposes should not considered as profesional advise.all opinions expressed here are my own and personal experience....All the contents publish on this channel is my own creative work and all protected under copyright law