32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B (English Mass) 10th November 2024
First Reading – 1 Kings 17:10-16: Elijah asked a widow for water and bread. She had little but obeyed him. God provided enough flour and oil for them to eat for a year. Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 146: The Lord is faithful, just, and caring. He provides for the needy, frees captives, and protects the vulnerable. He will reign forever. Second Reading – Hebrews 9:24-28: Christ entered heaven, not a man-made sanctuary, and sacrificed himself once to remove sin. He will return to bring salvation to those who wait for him. Gospel – Mark 12:38-44: Jesus warned about the scribes’ hypocrisy and praised a poor widow who gave all she had, contrasting her true generosity with the surplus contributions of the rich.