Day 12 of 50 Pullups for 30 days | pullups everyday for 30 days
Day 12 of 50 Pullups for 30 days | pullups everyday for 30 days #50pullups #50pullupseveryday #rizwansaqifitness 50 Pullups a day for 30 days 50 Pullups daily 50 Pullups everyday 50 Pullups everyday for 30 days 100 pullups a day for 30 days 100 pull ups for 30 days results 3 guys do 100 pullups every day for 30 days 50 pull ups every day for 30 days i did 50 pull ups every day pullups for 30 days pullups for 30 days results 100 pullups for 30 days what happens after 30 days of push ups i did 100 pullups for 30 days 50 dips per day for 30 days challenge social media links. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... . Instagram . I'm on Instagram as @rizwan_saqii. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/con... . TikTok . https://www.tiktok.com/@rizwanakhtar4... #abs #absworkout #homeabsworkout #desiworkout #desidiet #bodybuilding #fitness #gymworkout #gym #ytviral #ytvideoes #viralvideos