NEW Minecraft SPRING UPDATE! Villager Changes & More! Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta

NEW Minecraft SPRING UPDATE! Villager Changes & More! Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta

Minecraft Just released a NEW UPDATE with dozens of changes, VILLAGER UDPATES and BIG sheep changes! Subscribe for more Minecraft!:) Latest video!    • Minecraft Released A BIG NEW UPDATE! ...   300+ Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials!    • Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials (MCPE)   Truly Bedrock Survival Series!    • 18 YouTubers VS A TRIAL CHAMBER! Mine...   Become a member of The Silence! Join our community and subscribe! 💙Second Channel ►    / silentwo   💜Twitch ►   / silentwisperer   🧡TikTok ►   / silentwisperer   🔹Twitter ►   / silentwisperer_   😁Discord ►   / discord   💻Website ► Consider supporting the channel! Get benefits such as whitelisting on our Minecraft servers & so much more! 🥰Patreon ►   / silentwisperer   💖Memberships ►    / @silentwisperer   Get 30% off Minecraft Servers with Nodecraft! Nodecraft allows you to host 30+ games per server, and swap between them seamlessly! Nodecraft servers are extremely easy to setup, and they have amazing customer support! Joining Nodecraft also supports the channel! 💠► 00:00 New update for Minecraft Bedrock! 00:50 Camels! 01:35 Big sheep changes! 04:55 Villager trade rebalance? 06:40 Wandering trader changes! 08:13 Nice bug fixes & ambience! Music by Argofox:​ #Minecraft​ #MinecraftBedrock #MCPE PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down ;)