얼 나이팅게일: “생각한 대로 됩니다” - ‘끌어당김의법칙’ 오디오북
얼 나이팅게일/ 끌어당김의 법칙 참고(협찬) 도서/ The Strangest Secret 도서를 각색해서 만든 영상으로, 원본과 차이가 있습니다 #얼나이팅게일 - Original Video(Channel)/ My Fair Lady Monkey Business Sound of Music Dead Poets Society The Truman Show It has been repurposed as fair use for the intend of educating and inspiring others This video has no negative affect on the original work - Music(Channel)/ Artist: @Whitesand Title of the piece: Home, Circle of Life This piece is under a creative commons license