Emmanuel COGIC Sunday Morning Worship Service (03-09-25) Bishop Uleses C. Henderson, Jr. – Messenger

Emmanuel COGIC Sunday Morning Worship Service (03-09-25) Bishop Uleses C. Henderson, Jr. – Messenger

Emmanuel COGIC Sunday Morning Worship Service (03-09-25) Bishop Uleses C. Henderson, Jr. – Messenger "I Won't Stay Silent" – Mark 7:31-35 We do not own the copyrights to any music presented in this presentation Tithes and Offerings can be accepted 5 different ways: 1. Givelify - https://www.givelify.com/donate/emman... 2. Pushpay - https://pushpay.com/g/emmanuelcogic33... 3. Text-to-Give - Text the word GIVE to 833-921-7078 and follow the instructions. 4. Mail a check to: Emmanuel COGIC 1399 E. 33rd St. Los Angeles, CA. 90011 5. In-Person Visit our redesigned website: www.emmanuelcogic33rd.org