CANCER is abnormal growth and proliferation of cells and cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in women and 70% of this cervical cancer has been said to be caused by the HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS. The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a type of virus that causes cervical cancer and this virus can affect both the male and female thereby making the human papillomavirus to be acquired through sexual intercourse but it ends up causing cervical cancer in the female if not detected fast and treated immediately. Risk Factors of cervical cancer There are those who are at risk to cervical cancer and they are called risk factors, examples those who ; 1.use old sanitary pads 2. who smoke 3.Who have had a sexually transmitted infections like HIV, warts etc. 4. who got married at early stage and started sexual intercourse early. 5. have had genital warts previously Among many others. Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer . Also as a woman you need to watch out for the symptoms of cervical cancer which involves 1.Abnormal vaginal bleeding 2. Bleeding after sex 3. Bleeding After menopause 4. Increased vaginal discharge among others. Prevention and cure of cervical cancer (human papilloma virus). The best cure of cervical cancer is to prevent yourself from being infected with the human papillomavirus that causes the cervical cancer and how can you achieve this?? 1.Is to use protective measures while having sexual intercourse like the use of condoms. 2.Human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV VACCINATION). Vaccination of the girl child at the ages of 9-14 should be carried out to prevent cervical cancer. 3. Practice good sanitary practices and personal hygiene while on periods. 4. Avoid smoking and treat every sexually transmitted infections immediately. 5. Health education and awareness programms on cervical cancer. 6. Screening of those with HIV to prevent infections with the human papilloma virus that causes this cervical cancer. These and many more are the preventive measures for cervical cancer. Please don't forget to like, subscribe and share to others as you drop your comments. #cervicalcancerawareness #cancer #cancerscreening #preventionofcancer #causesofcancer #symptomsofcancer #humanpapillomavirus #genitalwarts #câncer #cáncer #cervicalpain #cervical #girls #girlchild #smoking #cureforcancer #cancercure #braincancer #breastcancer