अब नहीं पढायेंगे ASHUTOSH SIR | LAST CLASS | GOOD BYE दोस्तों

अब नहीं पढायेंगे ASHUTOSH SIR | LAST CLASS | GOOD BYE दोस्तों

This is an emotional farewell class with Ashutosh Sir, as he takes his last session with us. He has guided and taught thousands of students with dedication, and today, we say goodbye with gratitude and respect. Don't miss this special class where he shares his final words, advice, and best wishes for all students. Let's join together to thank him for his amazing journey with us. Drop your messages in the comments to show your love and respect! ✅For Admission Enquiry Call at - 9266843247 📌Download Adda247 App :- https://applink.adda247.com/d/Railway... ******************************************************** 📌Check Out our Courses: : ✅ RRB NTPC Batch :-https://applink.adda247.com/d/RRBNTPC... ✅ Railway MahaPack:- https://applink.adda247.com/d/NQcz3q2Ucm ✅ शपथ 3.0 Batch Link:-https://applink.adda247.com/d/RRBGROU... ******************************************************** 📌Check Out our Test Series: ✅Test Prime:- https://applink.adda247.com/d/SSCTEST... ******************************************************** 📌YouTube Schedule Morning NTPC ✅7:00 AM- 8:00AM Science By Neeraj Ma'am ✅8:00AM- 9:00AM Current Affairs By Ashutosh Sir ✅9:00amAM- 10:00AM GK GS By Pawan Moral sir ✅10:00AM -11:00AM Maths By Akshay Sir ✅11:00AM -12:00PM Reasoning By Atul Awasti Sir ******************************************************** 📌 Railway RPF Class ✅12:00PM - 1:00PM RPF Pawan Sir GK / GS ✅1:00PM - 2:00PM RPF Tarun Sir Maths ✅2:00PM - 3:00PM RPF Vinay Sir Reasoning ******************************************************** 📌Evening NTPC ✅5:00 PM- 6:00 PM RRB NTPC 2024 Sahil Tiwari Reasoning ✅6:00PM- 7:00PM RRB NTPC 2024 Sahil Madaan Gk/GS ✅7:00PM - 8:00PM RRB NTPC 2024 Navdeep Sir Science ✅8:00 PM- 9:00 PM RRB NTPC 2024 Abhinandan sir Maths ******************************************************** ✅ Join Our Telegram Channel:- https://t.me/adda247railway ******************************************************** #GoodbyeAshutoshSir #LastClass #ThankYouSir #RailwayAdda247 #RailwayAdda #RailwayAddaLive #RailwayAddaClasses