St. Anthony's Daily Mass, Easter Fri, 4/22/2022, "Jesus is Revealed in the Breaking of the Bread"
*Please subscribe to our St Anthony's YouTube Channel & click on bell 🔔to be notified: / @stanthonywaldport This is the Mass for Friday within the Octave of Easter, April 22, 2022, Theme: "Jesus is Revealed in the Breaking of the Bread”, offered for Linda and Larry Occhipinti, and celebrated by Fr Joseph Hoang, Pastor of St Anthony's Catholic Church in Waldport, OR at the Central Oregon Coast. ******************************** While Masses still follow the Oregon State & Lincoln County Pandemic guidelines, the church expenses continue. We are prayerfully asking for your continued financial support from our church community. You can continue to support St. Anthony by sending your weekly/monthly offering via US mail to St Anthony's Catholic Church, P.O. Box 770 Waldport, OR 97394 or drop your Offertory Envelope in the Mail Slot (below the window in door) at the Church Office 685 NE Broadway St, Waldport, OR 97394 - (Please DON'T send mail to this address.) OR by Online Giving thru our website: https://stanthonywaldport.org/giving Your continued financial support of our church is greatly appreciated. May our Lord bless you and your family a thousand fold. ********************************* (Recommended for Prayer during Communion) ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION St Anthony's Catholic Church Version Jesus, thank you for coming into our hearts. We welcome you and unite ourselves to you. Strengthen us in your love as we await the day we are reunited at the Eucharistic table. Amen. 🙏✝️🙏 ************** Thank you to all of our supporters and parishioners working behind the scene, and at the mass today: Mass Lector: Angie Bourgerie Server: Jim Walton Church Maintenance, Sanitation & Decor: Janiece Berget, Terry Cease, & Edee Steckler Church Grounds: Michael Krupar Online Giving/Website: Bonnie Rimola Church Secretary, Scheduling & Bulletin: Bill & Pam Lamphear Videographer, Video Editor & Publisher: Ice Husband **************** Copyright 2022 St Anthony Catholic Church www.stanthonywaldport.org