#1 TYBAF | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | Bond Valuation | How to calculate YTM | MCOM SEM 2 | SIRAJ SHAIKH
In this chapter you are going to learn how calculate YTM and value of Bond . What is YTM (yield to maturity) i just hope you all like the video if so then please do share among all your friends groups and do sui just hope you all like the video if so then please do share among all your friends groups and do subscribe channel for more and regular update I just hope you all like the video if so then please do share among all your friends groups and do sui just hope you all like the video if so then please do share among all your friends groups and do subscribe channel for more and regular update i just hope you all must have liked the video, so do comment your view and do like and share the channel if you all feel worth sharing the channel. Don’t forget to subscribe our channel / sam4sir / @sirajshaikhdegreestudy Must check playlist for all other videos. ❣️ Like, share or subscribe karna mat bhulna..!!! For notes and important questions join our telegram channel : Telegram : skyeducationofficial (in case of link failure just search by name) https://t.me/skyeducationofficial https://t.me/sirajshaikhdegreestudy Connect with me on all other social media networks Facebook : siraj shaikh Instagram : sam4sir00 Twitter : sirajsam4sir Snapchat : sam4sir (siraj shaikh) Telegram : sam4sir00