The Last of Us 2 Chapter 33: The Shortcut Walkthrough (Seattle Day 2) - Part 33
This walkthrough for Seattle Day 2 – Chapter 33: The Shortcut in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements). After the cutscenes at the start of the chapter you will be back outside the Aquarium following Lev. If you check your inventory you will already have one of the collectibles for this chapter, Artifact #1: Amputation Supplies. Follow Lev along until you reach a flooded area and he points out the building to you. To the right of the waterfall is a building “FRANKLIN’S BARBER SHOP”. Go inside and look behind the checkout to find the Nevada Coin. Go back out front and climb the broken road to the left of the waterfall. Look to the immediate left and you should see a beam you can walk across. Go try the door, then Lev will jump in and unlock it for you. In this room you can find crafting supplies along with 10 Supplements. Once you reach the top of the ladder you will be in another large area with more Scars to fight. This time at the least they aren’t aware of you from the start, and they also all are on the sections of building opposite from where you are. There are a total of 7 in this area, spread between the floors of the sections of the building across from you. If you have available crossbow bolts this is a great time to use them, as the enemies are typically very spread apart so you can take them out one by one without alerting the others as long as you do it in one shot each. Enemies will all be primarily weapons, plus one of the heavy axe enemies that will be normally on the bottom-most floor. To get up top to where you need to go you basically have to work your way around the entire area to get to the top. The way to exit is through the door that is under the covered area. BECOME A MEMBER: / @jauntym SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / jauntym FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER / jaunty_mell (@jaunty_mell) Also the facebook gaming group / pkps4 / jauntym / jauntym Discord Server: / discord