The 99 Plus  Most Powerful Biblical Names & Their Hidden Numbers #divinetruths #biblicalnumerology

The 99 Plus Most Powerful Biblical Names & Their Hidden Numbers #divinetruths #biblicalnumerology

In the Bible, names aren鈥檛 just names鈥攖hey hold divine secrets! In this video, we reveal the 99+ most powerful biblical names, their Hebrew spelling, and their numerical meanings in Gematria. Prepare to be amazed! 馃敼 Tags: #BibleSecrets #HebrewMysticism #Numerology #Gematria #JewishTradition Detailed breakdown of each biblical name, including the Hebrew spelling, individual letter values, and total numerical value (Gematria). The Bible mentions numerous names of God, each reflecting different aspects of His character, authority, and relationship with humanity. However, the claim that there are exactly 144 names of God in the Bible is not explicitly supported by Scripture. Instead, the number 144 is symbolic in the Bible (e.g., 12 tribes of Israel 脳 12 apostles = 144 in Revelation 7:48 and 14:13). The names of God in the Bible are fewer than 144, but they are rich in meaning and significance. I will provide a list of the primary names and titles of God mentioned in the Bible, along with their Hebrew spellings, numerical values (gematria), and explanations. Here is a detailed list of the primary names of God mentioned in the Bible, along with their Hebrew spellings, meanings, and numerical values (gematria). These names reveal the nature, character, and attributes of God as described in Scripture. YHWH (Yahweh / Jehovah) 讬职讛讜指讛 "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14). Elohim 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 "God" (Genesis 1:1). El 讗值诇 "God" or "Mighty One." El Shaddai 讗值诇 砖址讈讚址旨讬 "God Almighty" (Genesis 17:1). Adonai 讗植讚止谞指讬 "Lord" or "Master." Yah 讬指讛旨 Short form of YHWH, often translated as "LORD." El Elyon 讗值诇 注侄诇职讬讜止谉 "God Most High" (Genesis 14:1820). El Olam 讗值诇 注讜止诇指诐 "Everlasting God" (Genesis 21:33). El Roi 讗值诇 专殖讗执讬 "God Who Sees Me" (Genesis 16:13). Yahweh Rapha 讬职讛讜指讛 专止驻职讗侄讱指 "The LORD Who Heals" (Exodus 15:26). Yahweh Nissi 讬职讛讜指讛 谞执住执旨讬 "The LORD Is My Banner" (Exodus 17:15). Yahweh Shalom 讬职讛讜指讛 砖指讈诇讜止诐 "The LORD Is Peace" (Judges 6:24). Yahweh Tsidkenu 讬职讛讜指讛 爪执讚职拽值谞讜旨 "The LORD Our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6). Yahweh Sabaoth 讬职讛讜指讛 爪职讘指讗讜止转 "The LORD of Hosts" (1 Samuel 1:3). Yahweh Shammah 讬职讛讜指讛 砖指讈诪指旨讛 "The LORD Is There" (Ezekiel 48:35). El Gibbor 讗值诇 讙执旨讘旨讜止专 "Mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6). Abba 讗址讘指旨讗 "Father" (Mark 14:36). Melech 诪侄诇侄讱职 "King" (Psalm 47:7). Kadosh Israel 拽指讚讜止砖讈 讬执砖职讉专指讗值诇 "Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 1:4). Rohi 专止注执讬 "My Shepherd" (Psalm 23:1). Emet 讗直诪侄转 "Truth" (Deuteronomy 32:4). Tzur 爪讜旨专 Meaning: "Rock" (Psalm 18:2). Goel 讙止旨讗值诇 "Redeemer" (Job 19:25). Magen 诪指讙值谉 "Shield" (Genesis 15:1). Channun 讞址谞旨讜旨谉 "Gracious" (Exodus 34:6). El Hanne'eman 讗值诇 讛址谞侄旨讗直诪指谉 "The Faithful God" (Deuteronomy 7:9). El De'ot 讗值诇 讚值旨注讜止转 "God of Knowledge" (1 Samuel 2:3). El HaRachamim 讗值诇 讛址专址讞植诪执讬诐 "God of Mercies" (2 Corinthians 1:3). El HaTzur 讗值诇 讛址爪旨讜旨专 "God the Rock" (2 Samuel 22:47). El HaShamayim VaHaAretz 讗值诇 讛址砖指旨讈诪址讬执诐 讜职讛指讗指专侄抓 "God of Heaven and Earth" (Genesis 24:3). El HaGadol HaGibbor 讗值诇 讛址讙指旨讚讜止诇 讛址讙执旨讘旨讜止专 "The Great and Mighty God" (Deuteronomy 10:17). El HaKadosh Yisrael 讗值诇 讛址拽指旨讚讜止砖讈 讬执砖职讉专指讗值诇 "The Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 1:4). El HaChasid 讗值诇 讛址讞植住执讬讚 "The God of Lovingkindness" (Psalm 145:17). El HaTzaddik 讗值诇 讛址爪址旨讚执旨讬拽 "The Righteous God" (Isaiah 45:21). El HaRachum VeChanun 讗值诇 专址讞讜旨诐 讜职讞址谞旨讜旨谉 "The Merciful and Gracious God" (Exodus 34:6). El HaShofet 讗值诇 讛址砖止旨讈驻值讟 "The God Who Judges" (Psalm 75:7). El HaMishpat 讗值诇 讛址诪执旨砖职讈驻指旨讟 "The God of Justice" (Isaiah 30:18). El HaYeshuah 讗值诇 讛址讬职砖讈讜旨注指讛 "The God of Salvation" (Psalm 68:20). El HaChokmah 讗值诇 讛址讞指讻职诪指讛 "The God of Wisdom" (Proverbs 2:6). El HaTov 讗值诇 讛址讟旨讜止讘 "The Good God" (Psalm 145:9). El HaChayim 讗值诇 讛址讞址讬执旨讬诐 "The God of Life" (Jeremiah 10:10). El HaElyon 讗值诇 讛指注侄诇职讬讜止谉 "The Most High God" (Genesis 14:18). El HaNe'eman 讗值诇 讛址谞侄旨讗直诪指谉 "The Faithful God" (Deuteronomy 7:9). El HaGadol 讗值诇 讛址讙指旨讚讜止诇 "The Great God" (Deuteronomy 10:17). El HaKadosh 讗值诇 讛址拽指旨讚讜止砖讈 "The Holy God" (Isaiah 5:16). El HaRachamim 讗值诇 讛址专址讞植诪执讬诐 "God of Mercies" (2 Corinthians 1:3). El HaEmet 讗值诇 讛指讗直诪侄转 "God of Truth" (Psalm 31:5). El HaTzur 讗值诇 讛址爪旨讜旨专 "God the Rock" (2 Samuel 22:47). DIVINE NUMEROLOGICAL TRUTHS "Unlock the Universe: Where Numbers Reveal Divine Truths." Welcome to DIVINE Numerological Truths, where ancient wisdom and the power of numbers converge! Explore the mystical world of biblical numerology and uncover the hidden meanings of numbers throughout the Bible. Discover how divine numbers reflect eternal truths and connect to the universal flow of time and space. Join us on this spiritual journey of enlightenment, as we unlock the mysteries of God's plan through the power of numbers and eternal wisdom. Subscribe and awaken your understanding of the universe!