Call Of Duty Black OPS 2 | Mission 3 | Gameplay 3

Call Of Duty Black OPS 2 | Mission 3 | Gameplay 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Mission 3 "Old Wounds" (Full Gameplay Walkthrough) Welcome back to another Black Ops 2 campaign mission! In Mission 3: "Old Wounds", we head to Afghanistan in 1986, where Alex Mason and his team join the legendary Mujahedeen fighters to push back against Soviet forces. With Frank Woods by our side, we take on the heavily armed Russian troops, use horseback combat, and even get our hands on a powerful rocket launcher to take down enemy armor. 🔥 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Call of Duty content! #callofduty #callofdutygames #callofdutymobile #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutyblackops2 #callofdutyblackops #gaming #gamingchannel #viralvideo #trending #technogamerz #techno #trendingvideo #trending #trendinggame #trendinggames #trend #gamingwalkthrough #ubisoft #fpsgaming #gaming #gameplay #karachi #openworldgames #lowspecgaming #gamingcommunity #subscribenow #epicgameplay #survival #survivalgame #survivalgamespc #shootergame #shootergames #realisticopenworld #openworldgames #openworldstealth #stealthgames #gaming #gameplay #openworldgames #lowspecgaming #gamingcommunity #subscribenowmoreinterestingvideos #epicgameplay #Gaming #Gameplay #OpenWorldGames #LowSpecGaming #GamingCommunity #SubscribeNow #EpicGameplay