Call of Duty Black Ops 3 LETS KILL SOME ZOMBIES
It's in the title, sit back and relax and watch as I kill some zombies in Call of Duty Black Ops 3. This is another gaming adventures video. I really hope to be able to get back on track at some point with my Mass Effect 3 and Silent Hill 2 Remake videos. I am sorry for the gap in between those and only doing Skull and Bones. I have a big life change right now, I am getting ready to start moving into my first house. So the time I usually have for live streams and making videos, I have to keep in reserve for time with Task Force KMN and doing Skull and Bones. Adulting is hard lol. Anyways, I will try and do some random other quick gaming adventures videos until I am fully moved in and can get back into regular sit down sessions where I can get absorbed in Mass Effect 3 and Silent Hill 2 Remake and knock out huge chunks of those games. For now, enjoy as I try to survive in Black Ops 3 zombies, I make such rookie mistakes sometimes lol. That is why I only consider myself to be an average COD Zombies player in terms of skill level. Please leave a like, comment, and subscribe Watch me live at: / kotorfan3231 -- Watch live at / kotorfan3231