10 SIGNS YOU'RE GAY! Hey queers! In honour of pride month I decided to upload one of my good old topics of taboo/lgbtq+ videos! This 10 signs you're gay video is relatively lighthearted but has some good points. If you're questioning your sexuality at the moment or wondering 'am I gay?' and have stumbled across this video, I hope it helps even just a little. Always here if you need a chat and I hope you're all doing well. :) Subscribe to the fam here: / msdickerz My instagram @megandijkman / megandijkman ____________________ -DRIVING WITH DUTCHY: THROWBACKS VOL 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLtVz... -VLOGGING WITH AMY ORDMAN AT THE GROVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMs2H... -COACHELLA DAY ONE 2018: MEETING KJ APA!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaMZ2... ______________ MUSIC: The music used within my videos is either copyright or royalty free, and/or I have gained permission via record label or individual artists. ________ This video is a 10 SIGNS YOU ARE GAY video. Over the next few videos you can expect to see a night routine, morning routine, copying ____ instagram for a week, how to come out, a HUGE spring / summer clothing haul, daily vlogs, mukbangs, Q&A answering questions I have avoided, swimsuit haul, my everyday makeup tutorial, driving with videos AND MORE!! BUSINESS INQUIRIES: megan_dijkman@hotmail.com If you want to send me something, i'll be getting a PO box shortly! But in the mean time, send me a DM and i'll give you my address! Lovin' on all of you. If you've made it this far then go comment "SHORT NAILS FTW" just so I know who the cool kids are ;) See you in my next one legend! Tags (ignore these) lesbian bisexual 10 signs you're gay how to know if you're gay am I gay? sexuality