Gk Short Video |Gk Short|Gk questions in hindi |General knowledge #shorts #shortsfeed #science #fact
Gk Short Video |Gk Short|Gk questions in hindi |General knowledge #shorts #shortsfeed #science #fact #sciencefacts #scienceexperiment #body #dil #hearttouching #facts #question #quiz #humanbody Question ⬇️⬇️⬇️ मानव शरीर में सबसे ज्यादा काम करने वाला अंग कौनसा है? What is the highest working organ in the human body?मनुष्य के शरीर में सबसे गंदा अंग कौन सा है? Which is the dirtiest organ in man's body? fact facts fact video facts video new state telengana shorts video short quiz india ka knowledge geography history SSC Question gk fact mr gk shorts shorts India Quiz fact kids morning facts today facts gk short gk shorts gs shorts shorts mr.gk shorts short quiz shorts tesla shorts hindi shorts viral shorts gs short tamil shorts soccer shorts amazing shorts shorts in Hindi rajasthan gk shorts gk short video einstein shorts amazing shorts shorts in tamil rajasthan gk shorts gk short video einstein shorts japan tech shorts trick shots quiz short story earthquake shorts nicola tesla shorts interesting shorts soccer short short gk video short video gk gs gk short short video shorts feed gk short video history gk gk gk questions history gk gk in hindi india gk history gk india history gk gkshort gk short video general knowledge gk quiz samanya gyan India Gk Gk Short lucent gk ssc railway gk hp police gk gk questions in hindi short video gk gk gs history gk upsc gk Ssc gk railway gk police gk short shorts railway gk hp police gk gk questions in hindi short video gk gk gs history gk upsc gk sSc gk railway gk police gk short shorts hindi fact facts fact video facts video new news short channel @brgkstudy5858 @gkdrishti @generalknowledgegkqa @gknrstudy @gkfact short gk video #gkstudytime #gkquestion #gkshorts #gkquiz #gk #gkkids #shortvideo #upscgk #1ASGk #gkshortvideo #shortfeed #shorts #morning #भारत #quiz #shortsfeed #shortfeed #science #facts #fact #gkquiz #today #subject #knowledge #quiz #simple #dil इसे भी पढ़िए इंसान की बॉडी का सबसे गंदा हिस्सा होता है मुंह। इसमें सबसे ज्यादा तरह के बैक्टेरिया रहते हैं। रिसर्च के मुताबिक, आपके मुंह में 600 तरह के बैक्टेरिया घर बनाकर रहते हैं। इस तरह ये हमारी बॉडी का सबसे गंदा पार्ट बन जाता है। Read this too The dirtiest part of human body is the mouth. It has the most kinds of bacteria live. According to research, 600 types of bacteria in your mouth stay home. In this way, these become the dirtiest part of our body.