Oh Lord You're Beautiful-  Ruth Hanna 오 주님, 주님 아름다우세요 (English & Korean captions 영한자막)

Oh Lord You're Beautiful- Ruth Hanna 오 주님, 주님 아름다우세요 (English & Korean captions 영한자막)

This praise song written by Keith Green must have been sung as a worship song at so many churches There have been several translations in Korean already but I wanted to come up with a more cordial translation and also more faithful to the original lyrics, and so I sought a video to insert English lyrics together with my Korean translation and I found the video posted by Anchopoint Radio to be what I was looking for In the video Ruth Hanna sang it very reverentially and in humble attitude of a true child of God If any wants to view the original English lyrics side by side with mine and other Korean translation, please click the link below