Turfmend's Repair the Bare & Introducing Turfmend with GCI Academy Seed
Turfmend is an all in one product to mend, repair and fix bare spots in the lawn. Turfmend has teamed up with GCI Academy and you can now purchase Turfmend GCI Turf Type Tall Fescue Seed, Blue Heat Kentucky Bluegrass, Cool Blue Tall Fescue & Kentucky Bluegrass Mix, and the Heat Wave with Bermuda. Purchase links below. Turfmend can be used in the heat of summer to help fix bare spots. The simple three step process is quick and easy to accomplish the task at hand. Each bag of Turfmend comes mixed with seed, peat moss and compost to help aide the germination process. Turfmend with GCI seed is the perfect homeowner and DIYer mix with top quality seed to fix your bare spots, dog urine damage and other eye sores you have on or in the lawn. Turfmends contractor blend comes with the yellow jacket technology and can be sold directly though Turfmend. Homeowners/DIY: https://gciturfacademy.com/gci-turf-g... Contractors/Municipalities: www.turfmend.com As the creator of SoCal Lawn N Order, I do participate in affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising. SoCal Lawn N Order makes a commission off purchases made through the links provided within. As with any product or service, if you purchase and use any product you assume responsibility, regardless of any information or recommendations given. My goal is to take any revenue earned to give back to my subscribers.