From Carnality to Spirituality || Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, COZA Sunday Service, 28-02-202.
One thing we must realize is that there is NO carnality in God. Therefore, we must ensure that we keep growing every day. A carnal person is a Born Again Christian that has refused to grow. An individual who still makes decisions based on what his 5 senses tell him, instead of what The Word of God says. Remember that you don't pray to grow, you eat to grow, and The Word of God is our spiritual food. To move from Carnality to Spirituality requires a personal decision. It's a choice that each of us must make. Elijah emphasized this in 1 Kings 18:21 MSG "Elijah challenged the people: “How long are you going to sit on the fence? If God is the real God, follow him; if it’s Baal, follow him. Make up your minds!” Nobody said a word; nobody made a move." If you want to get results, and subdue the kingdom of darkness, you need to grow up, because your inheritance comes with growth. Galatians 4:1 AMPC "Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate;" ________________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. To give and support our ministry click any of the following links: paypal.me/COZAGLOBAL, https://cash.app/$GiveCoza, https://give.coza.org.ng/ To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: https://partners.coza.org.ng/ If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: [email protected] To follow Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo on IG and Facebook click the links below: / biodunfatoyinbo / biodunfatoyinbo Subscribe to pastor Biodun's Youtube Channel: / pastorbioduntv Subscribe to COZATV YouTube Channel: / cozaglobal #COZATuesdays #PastorBiodun #HeavenOnEarth #FromCarnalityToSpirituality