Florence Scovel Shinn The Game of Life and How to Play It FULL Audiobook & Text! Chapter Timestamps!
Here I read The Game of Life and How to Play It FULL AUDIOBOOK, by Florence Scovell Shinn. In this YouTube video I read the ENTIRE book, The Game of Life and How to Play It! This audiobook contains all 10 chapters (UPDATE: Time Stamps for EACH CHAPTER are Below since it's 2+ hours long!), as well as the full text for you to read along - just like in the playlist where I had each chapter as its own YouTube video. I put together this "long-playing" version by request since a friend mentioned he enjoys listening with it playing in the background, so perhaps some of you will enjoy this version as well. (š By the way: For more inspiring and motivational videos please subscribe to this channel, and if you click on the little "bell" you'll be notified when I upload a new video. Thank you for joining me here! š) CHAPTER BY CHAPTER TIMESTAMPS (My Personal Intro is about 17 seconds long): Chapter 1 - The Game: 0:17 Chapter 2 - The Law of Prosperity: 12:17 Chapter 3 - The Power of the Word: 22:39 Chapter 4 - The Law of NonResistance: 33:54 Chapter 5 - The Law of Karma and The Law of Forgiveness: 45:50 Chapter 6 - Casting the Burden (Impressing the Subconscious): 57:28 Chapter 7 - Love: 1:09:03 Chapter 8 - Intuition or Guidance: 1:21:43 Chapter 9 - Perfect Self-Expression or The Divine Design: 1:34:23 Chapter 10 - Denials and Affirmations: 1:48:03 Here is a special series of Florence Scovel Shinn inspired affirmations! Throughout this project, I have made note of numerous affirmations directly from Florence, along with bits of wisdom for crafting a few different affirmations using the techniques she taught. 1) Sleep Affirmations for Divine Guidance š Finding Your Life's Purpose Health Wealth & Love - Florence (this is spoken with my piano composition, "First Dawn" in the background): Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā SleepĀ AffirmationsĀ forĀ DivineĀ Guidanc...Ā Ā 2) 1 hour of the same affirmations as above, only with a gentle rain in the background instead of my piano: 1 Hour AFFIRMATION for DIVINE GUIDANCE with Gentle Rain Background INSPIRED BY FLORENCE SCOVEL SHINN Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā 1Ā HourĀ AFFIRMATIONĀ forĀ DIVINEĀ GUIDANC...Ā Ā 3) POSITIVE SURRENDER AFFIRMATIONS for Trusting the Universe FAITH š š DIVINE GUIDANCE Success š Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā POSITIVEĀ SURRENDERĀ AFFIRMATIONSĀ forĀ T...Ā Ā (I mention this quick study note in the individual chapter videos, but thought it worth repeating here: Throughout this audiobook, you may hear talk of money. If, for example, Florence mentions $1,000; remember that today, $1,000 might mean $15,000 based on the Inflation Calculator at "Dollar Times" here - SOURCE: https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/ You can plug in any example if you wish to make the writings more relevant to today's figures.) If you like what I'm doing, please consider subscribing to my channel for more videos created to uplift and inspire you - and if you feel so moved, I'd very much love a "thumbs up" and comment to know if you are enjoying this. As always, please feel free to share my channel and this video Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā FlorenceĀ ScovelĀ ShinnĀ TheĀ GameĀ ofĀ Lif...Ā Ā with any like-minded readers! Thank you so much! #TheGameOfLifeAndHowToPlayIt #FlorenceScovelShinnYouTube