Adding The First Coral To My 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Using Coral Revive!!!!

Adding The First Coral To My 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Using Coral Revive!!!!

Welcome back reefers! In this video I add 2 acan coral and some green star polyps to my 10 gallon nano reef tank! I purchased them from a local reef store Prime Reefing located here in Watsonville, Ca. I dipped the coral using 2 little fishes coral revive and they are doing great! Thank you for watching!!! I appreciate it you all!!! __________________________________________ #ReefTank #NanoReef#NanoReefTank #SaltWaterTank #NanoCube #NanoTank #CoralReefTank#SaltWaterAquarium #DesignerClownFish#ClownFish#CleanerShrimp #AcanCoral#FrogSpawnCoral #GreenStarPolyp#CandyCandyCoral #AiPrime16Hd#InTankAquatics #SicceSyncra#ReefGlassProteinSkimmer #InnovativeMarine#InnovativeMarine10 #NuvoFusion#NuvoFusion10 #Nuvo10 #Fusion10#FlipperCleaner #10GallonReef#10GallonReefTank #ReefTankAdventures