VEGAN Orange Pudding with JUST 3 Ingredients

VEGAN Orange Pudding with JUST 3 Ingredients

For an incredibly delicate and light orange jello like dessert try this recipe. No gelatine or preservatives to worry about here, just fresh, honest goodness. 400g Orange purée (use leftover pulp to make a jam) 140g Sugar (to taste, depending on sweetness of orange) 3 1/2 Tblsp Cornstarch Mix all together and heat over low heat stirring constantly until it boils and thickens. Place in greased Ramekin and chill in the fridge for three hours or overnight. Decorate with Whipped Cream and grated chocolate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where Do We Go by Tokyo Music Walker   / user-356546060   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library