I Tested YOUTUBERS LOADOUTS in Roblox Rivals!

I Tested YOUTUBERS LOADOUTS in Roblox Rivals!

In today's video, I used the best roblox rivals youtubers loadouts and rated them to see who has the best loadout in roblox rivals! Comment your favourite! Also 24hr stream tomorrow Videos I used to find these loadouts:    • I Tested YouTuber’s Rivals Loadouts!      • I Mastered EVERY FAMOUS YOUTUBER LOAD...      • I Mastered Youtubers FAVORITE LOADOUT...   ~ Links ~ Discord:   / discord   Roblox Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5206082 Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/17266939... main channel: @8sty Here's a little story 💀 One day a guy called 8sty who is not tanqr or minibloxia decided to play roblox rivals and buy all the skin cases and all the key bundles that were not free keys and then he decided to record it for youtube because he was very inspired by karful, kaye and enriquebruv to post rivals videos even though his roblox rivals win streak was not a high win streak and definitely not the highest win streak. And eventually he was matched against the best roblox rivals pc player, the best roblox rivals controller player and the best roblox rivals mobile player and unfortunately he lost all matches. But then he discovered the best roblox rivals settings and free aim assist and autoshoot and was able to enter a roblox rivals tournament where he played against the devs and won all the roblox rivals youtuber charms. the devs even gave him all the roblox rivals codes. and even though he did not learn roblox rivals skills in 24 hours he did learn all the roblox rivals pro tips eventually and even found the best roblox rivals loadout that was 5 stars and not a 1 star loadout in roblox rivals. The end If you know, you know 💀 / Chapters / 0:00 intro 0:30 Youtuber 1 2:40 Youtuber 2 4:00 Youtuber 3 5:15 Youtuber 4 6:50 Youtuber 5 9:05 Youtuber 6