I Tested FAMOUS YOUTUBERS Loadouts in Roblox Rivals!

I Tested FAMOUS YOUTUBERS Loadouts in Roblox Rivals!

I Tested FAMOUS YOUTUBERS Loadouts in Roblox Rivals! Today I will be testing FAMOUS YOUTUBERS loadouts in Roblox Rivals! But if I cannot manage to get a 3 winstreak I have to gift a SUBSCRIBER 3 SKIN CASES! Watch until the end to find out what happened! ⭐ 🔔 Subscribe ➤    / @chopparen   🌍 Discord Server ➤   / discord   👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Roblox Group ➤ https://www.roblox.com/groups/3250618... 🔔 Subscribe now and hit the bell icon so you never miss a video! 🔔 #roblox #rivals #robloxrivals #rivalsroblox #tanqr #foltyn #minibloxia #tapwater #viecti #enriquebruv #seltzer #kaye #geckoplays #apfelino #chopparen