The Hindu English Newspaper Reading & Translation In Hindi #theenglishspeaker
#englishnewspaperreadingEnglish newspaper reading (translation) in Hindi / vocabulary / current affairs / vocab Hello Dear Friends, दोस्तों आप इस चैनल पर Videos देखकर बड़ी आसानी से English लिखना, पढ़ना और बोलना सीख जाओगे । अगर आप किसी Competition की तैयारी करते हो तो वह भी बहुत ही आसान तरीके से हम इस चैनल पर करवायेंगे । About the Creator :- The creator of this channel is MBA qualified from Jaipuria Institute, Ghaziabad and has completed MA in English from Hindu College, Moradabad. #newspaperreading #spokenenglish #englishspeaking #vocabulary #generalenglish #vocab #currentaffairs #englishnewspaperreading #englishnewspapertranslationinhindi #englishnewspaperreading #currentaffairs #englishnewspaperreadingangrejipadnakaisesik he #theenglishspeaker