[4K] Korea University Campus Tour, Walking VLOG | 고려대학교 서울캠퍼스 투어, 워킹 브이로그 + 고려대역과 안암역
Hello, This is Walk Together Korea University is one of Top University in Korea and its Seoul campus has beautiful architectures and students loves it The campus is well spread out and Korea university campus tour is nice way to enjoy it like vlog walking tour I tried to cover most of the buildings in Anam Campus including domitory and Hope you enjoy peaceful walk in the Korea University Let's Walk Together 안녕하세요? Walk Together 입니다 오늘은 아름다운 고려대학교 서울 캠퍼스를 걸어보았습니다 멋진 건물들이 가득한 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스는 인문캠퍼스, 의과캠퍼스, 그리고 자연캠퍼스로 구분되어 있으며 모두 이어져 있습니다 워낙 캠퍼스가 크다보니, 실제로 고려대학교를 둘러보는 건 캠퍼스 투어라고 불러도 될 수준입니다 그래서 이렇게 워킹 브이로그를 만들어 보았습니다 고려대학교는 고려대역과 안암역에서 접근이 가능합니다 함께 고려대 서울캠퍼스를 걸어 볼까요? [Subscribe👍] Subscribe: [Please Support my Walk🧡] Patreon: Paypal: [Map📍] Google Map: Naver Map: [TimeStamp⌚] 00:00:00 고려대학교 정문 / Main Gate 00:00:38 중앙광장 / Central Plaza 00:01:54 백주년기념 삼성관-박물관 / Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall / Museum 00:03:17 크림슨 센터 / The Crimson Center 00:03:47 LG-POSCO 경영관 / LG-POSCO Hall 00:05:04 경영본관 / Business School Main Hall 00:06:30 현대자동차 경영관 / Hyundai Motor Hall 00:09:15 사범대학 구관&신관 / Collage of Education Buildings 00:10:26 운초우선교육관 / Uncho-Useoun Hall 00:11:47 CJ 법학관 / CJ Law Hall 00:13:17 법학관(신관) / College of Law 00:14:03 해송 법학도서관 / Haesong Law Library 00:14:46 법학관(구관) / College of Law Annex 00:15:49 동원글로벌리더십홀 / Dongwon Global Leadership Hall 00:18:10 아세아문제연구소 / Asiatic Research Center 00:18:40 중앙도서관(신관) / Main Library 00:20:12 중앙도서관(대학원) / Graduate School 00:23:01 본관부속사무실 / Main Hall Annex (Administration Building Annex) 00:25:42 인촌기념관 / Inchon Memorial Hall 00:26:40 수당삼양패컬티하우스 / Sudang Samyang Faculty House 00:28:41 국제관 / International Studies Hall 00:30:06 문과대학(서관) / Collage of Liberal Arts 00:34:20 본관 / Main Hall 00:36:51 중앙광장 / Central Plaza 00:40:28 SK 미래관 / SK Future Hall 00:43:00 하나프라자 / Hana Plaza 00:43:34 강당 / Auditorium 00:45:36 미디어관&정경관 / Media Hall / Science and Engineering Library 00:46:40 파이빌 99 / π-Ville 99 00:49:55 우당교양관 / Woodang Hall 00:50:25 학생회관 / Student Union Building 00:51:21 4 18 기념관 / 4 18 Memorial Hall 00:53:27 미디어관 / Media Hall 00:53:59 고려대로 / Goryeodae-ro 00:56:10 개운사길 / Gaeunsa-gil 01:00:00 고려대학교 기숙사 / Korea University Anam Domitory 01:07:39 민족문화연구원 / Research Institute of Korean Studies 01:10:05 화정체육관 / Tiger Dome 01:11:22 학군단 / ROTC Building 01:11:52 우정간호학관 / Woojung College of Nursing 01:15:21 KU R&D 센터 / KU R&D Center 01:16:25 의과대학 문숙의학관 / College of Medicine - Moonsook Medical Building 01:18:18 의과대학 본관 / College of Medicine - Main Building 01:22:28 의학도서관 / Medical Library 01:30:58 고려대학교 안암병원 / Korea University Anam Hospital 01:32:25 생명과학관(동관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - East Building 01:33:42 우정 정보관 / Woojung Hall of Informatics 01:34:34 미래융합기술관 / International Center for Converging Technology 01:37:19 이학관 별관 / College of Science Annex 01:37:57 환경실험관 / Environmental Engineering Laboratory 01:38:23 애기능 생활관 / Aegineung Student Center 01:39:18 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library 01:45:18 애기능 학생회관 / Aegineung Student Union Building 01:46:24 로봇융합관 / Robot Convergence Building 01:47:10 신공학관 / New Engineering Hall 01:47:57 창의관 / Innovation Building 01:49:45 공학관 / College of Engineering 01:51:03 신학관 / Techno Complex Research Center 01:51:48 기초과학관 / Korea Basic Science Institute 01:52:56 아산이학관 / College of Science Asan Hall 01:53:46 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square 01:54:17 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library 01:55:22 생명과학관(서관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - West Building 01:57:13 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square 02:00:24 안암역 / Anam Station 02:01:38 고려대로24길 / Goryeodae-ro 24gil -- Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved The video has been filmed towards street and buildings only For other inquries about privacy and business, please see About Tab