Sub5 Vs Chad Directors
Sub5 Vs Chads There are some underlying connections when #Sub5 men become directors, compared to #Chads becoming directors. Sub5 directors want their heroes to be iconic, whereas Chad's heroes are SIMPS. When you look into the history of famous directors, there is a strong connection between their personal upbringings and why their heroes are portrayed the way they are. Sub5 directors have a strong intention for their heroes to be Strong. But Chad Director's completely missing that point. It's the quote, "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times". - G. Michael Hopf No wonder Jawan #Atlee going to rule #Bollywood - the Time for Strong Heroes. Post Link here: • Post #EditorBreakdown #ActionHeroes #Sub5 #Chads #Directors#Heroes