Wednesday Night Live! Evening Prayer for 2024-10-30
Welcome and Happy Wednesday after the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost and commemoration of Maryam of Qidun, monastic, 4th century. Website: www.TrinityChurchTowson.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/TrinityChurchTowson/ Giving: text Trinitytowson to 73256 Our service of Evening Prayer, Rite II, begins on page 115 of the Book of Common Prayer or on https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/pray. If what you see does not match what we are reading or you’re having a hard time following the BCP, just relax and let the community carry you in prayer. That said, if you’re using Forward Movement you may want to adjust your preferences as follows. 1 Evening Reading Lesser Feasts and Fasts (2022) Calendar Daily Office Cycle, 30-Day Psalm Cycle We generally use Suffrages B, and the Rite II version of Canticles, usually Canticle 15 The Song of Mary or Magnificat.