discover the secret of Dexorange/Dexorange syrup in Hindi/dexorange syp uses,dose #dexorangesyrup

discover the secret of Dexorange/Dexorange syrup in Hindi/dexorange syp uses,dose #dexorangesyrup

discover the secret of Dexorange/Dexorange syrup in Hindi/dexorange syp uses,dose #dexorangesyrup Discription - Dexorange is a hemotinic syrup marketed by francho India pharmaceutical company. Dexorange is available in 200ml syrup packing. Dexorange syrup composition Ferric Ammonium Citrate(160.0 Mg) + Vitamin B12 / Mecobalamin / Cynocobalamin / Methylcobalamin(7.5 Mcg) + Vitamin B9 / Folic Acid / Folate(0.5 Mg Dexorange syrup price is 148 mrp this video contains Dexorange syrup including 1. Dexorange syrup composition 2. Dexorange syrup strength 3. Dexorange syrup price 4. Dexorange syrup uses/ Dexorange syrup uses in Hindi 5. Dexorange syrup side effects 6. Dexorange syrup dosage 7. Dexorange syrup for pregnancy 8. Dexorange syrup for child 9. Dexorange syrup for weight gain and many more in hindi Dexorange syrup Hindi Dexorange syrup Dexorange/Dexorange capsule Dexorange capsule benefits in hindi Dexorange syrup ke fayde in hindi anemia anemia Post operation post trauma anemia sickle cell Anemia iron deficiency anemia aplastic anemia Anemia in pregnancy hemolytic anemia anemia in Hindi sickle cell Anemia anemia treatment what is anemia khoon ki kami ka ilaj mote kaise ho mote kaise hoye patle log mote kaise hoye mote kaise hote hai duble log mote kaise ho duble patle mote kaise ho mote kaise ho kya khaye mote kaise ho jaldi se mote kaise ho 1 mahine me mote kaise ho 1 saptah me #anemia #learnaboutmedicine #dexorange #dexorangesyrup #drslab #jholachhapdoctor #jholachhapdoctor #khoonkikamikailaj #khoonkikamisekyakyahotahai #motekaise ho #motekaiseho Disclaimer- information on this video is intended as a free open access educational resources and not as clinical advice. dr's Lab can not provide individual medical advice.All information is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication. medical education videos on Dr's Lab Channel are not a substitute of professional medical advice diagnosis and treatment, never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard here. always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your condition or treatment Dexorange syrup benefits in hindi Dexorange syrup ke fayde in Hindi Dexorange syrup review Dexorange syrup use in hindi Iron syrup dexorange syrup dexorange syrup benefits dexorange syrup hindi dexorange syrup uses in hindi dexorange syrup price dexorange syrup ke fayde dexorange syrup side effects dexorange syrup dose dexorange syrup kaise piye dexorange syrup in hindi dexorange syrup for periods dexorange syrup for weight gain