3 Things You MUST DO RIGHT in Your New Aquarium #firstaquarium
WATER, FOOD, and SUBSTRATE must be done correctly or there will be trouble in the fish tank. The condition of the water is maintained by feeding and substrate. Attempting to keep the water clean by changing it or purifying it with chemicals does not maintain healthy water. Feeding whole foods such as insects or fish products guarantees the fish receive a healthy diet. Building a deep substrate with materials for plant growth and organic composting maintains the health of the entire tank. Do these 3 right and your tank will thrive. Do them wrong and you will be mired in a storm of chaos. Join this channel to get access to perks: / @fatherfish FATHER FISH is an advocate for natural aquariums. His research over 25 years provides a wealth of information about the creation and maintenance of natural aquariums. On this channel you will find scientific research as well as personal testimonials by countless hobbyists who have applied the Father Fish System and are enjoying its amazing benefits. THE FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. 24/7 live on Discord: / discord You can buy plants, soil supplement, leaf culture & more: https://father-fish-aquarium.myshopif... Father Fish Facebook Page / 3244678768912659 Buy Merch https://fatherfish.one/ All clips and images used are for illustrative purposes only. Clips Courtesy: Vyanana DAILY • Aquarium Fish Compilation#061, Beauti... Joey Slay Em • Fahaka puffer feeding live fish Chewy's Bro Aquatics • Cleaning THE MOST DISGUSTING Aquarium... • FEEDING *ALL OF MY FISH* (and other a... Jason's Cichlids • 20 Aquariums with 1 Filter - Running ... Aquarium Adventures • Dwarf Snakehead fish aquarium setup That Nate Guy On YouTube • EXPLORING WE LOVE PETS !!! FULL INSID... Paul Cuffaro • My *NEW* 3 GALLON AQUARIUM SET-UP!! (... Ragul Vlogs • Fish tank cleaning tamil 🐠🐟Tamil| Buckingham Realty • Your Septic System Devaraj Rajagopalan • Refilling Water from Walmart Aquarium Adventures • Feeding ALL my aquariums - what is th... Brian's Fish Tanks • MONSTER FISH ROOM TOUR - 4000K! ***F... Acuarios GO • Rey midas vs Jack dempsey Michael Rozman • Oscar Feeding Time #FATHERFISH #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #fishtube #fishtank #fishkeeping #dirtedtank #walstad #foodweb #fishfood #naturalaquarium #deepsubstrateaquarium #balancedaquarium #selfsustainingaquarium #healthyaquarium #sandsubstrate #deepsubstrate #naturalsubstrate #naturalfishkeeping CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction 3 crimes 00:57 substrate 06:23 water 11:07 food 16:50 summary and conclusion