10 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday, July 24
Holy Eucharist Service Seventh Sunday of Pentecost 10 AM Sunday, July 24, 2022 St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church Barrie, Ontario, Canada The Reverend Susan Snelling Welcome to our online/livestreamed 10:00AM worship for July 24th. This is the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. Please join us this morning as we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Welcome to St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church located in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. We have now fully re-opened the church for public worship services, with all provincial phased re-opening stages from Omicron restrictions lifted, we are also livestreaming and recording our services. The service today is led by The Reverend Susan Snelling, and you can follow along using the Anglican Book of Alternative Services beginning at page 185. This online worship is for all who are seeking reassurance, a healing message and understanding during these trying times. In this’s morning’s service... First Reading: Hosea 1:2-10. Psalm: 85. Second Reading: Colossians 2::6-19. The Holy Gospel: Luke 11:1-13. This morning’s sermon is preached by Reverend Susan. Music today is by Craig Snider. Thank you for being with us this morning.