ANNOUNCEMENTS Our church is open again for in-house worship services. Worship Service Every Sunday livestream @ 10:00 am Baptism & Membership: If you would like more information about this congregation, or interested in membership, or would like to have a child baptized or confirmed, please speak with Pastor Cundy. YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER OF THIS CONGREGATION BY: Affirmation of Faith: read page 46 of United Methodist Hymnal. These are central questions of Faith. Transfer of Membership: from another congregation of the United Methodist church. Affiliate Membership or Associate Membership: if you are temporarily living away from your home church and you either: (a) hold membership at another UMC or with a Methodist Church in relationship with the UMC, you could become an affiliate member–or– (b) hold membership with a different denomination, you could become an associate member. All baptized Children become Preparatory Members. Through confirmation, Preparatory Members become Full Members. Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. As a community of faith we intentionally work to support our community through our care and nurture ministries to youth and adults. During COVID-19 we are worshiping online. We invite you to join us in a celebration of worship and fellowship Sundays online on our website, spumcny.org, or on our other social media. All are Welcome! Website: https://www.spumcny.org/ Youtube: / stpaulsumcbklyn Facebook: / st-pauls-umc-brooklyn-106287691117896 Ustream: https://video.ibm.com/channel/p-hope We currently have 2 resources for you to continue graciously giving financially to St. Paul's United Methodist Church. For more information please visit https://www.spumcny.org/donate or contact [email protected]. St. Paul’s UMC, 3714 Ave D, Brooklyn NY 11203 Rev. Sharon Petgrave-Cundy (Pastor) Rev. Janet Cox (Deacon)